dimecres, 31 de desembre del 2008

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is the next film of Hugh Jackman(Australia, X-MEN, The Prestige). Among the main cast there are the canadian Ryan Reynolds(Blade Trinity, Smokin' Aces), the american Liev Schreiber(Defiance, The Hurricane) and the british Dominic Monaghan(Lost). It was filmed in New Zealand. The release date is 1st of May, 2009.
The story line is based on the life of Wolverine. Wolverine lives a mutant life, seeks revenge against Victor Creed (who will later become Sabertooth) for the death of his girlfriend, and ultimately ends up going through the mutant Weapon X program.

dilluns, 29 de desembre del 2008

Terminator: Salvation

Terminator: Salvation is an upcoming film directed by McG. The film is starred by the renowed Christian Bale(The Prestige, The Dark Knight, The Maquinist) and among the main cast is not going to appear Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was filmed in New Mexico, USA. The official release date is 26th of June, 2009.
The plot is next to that.
After Skynet has destroyed much of humanity in a nuclear holocaust, a group of survivors led by John Connor (Bale) struggles to keep the machines from finishing the job.

diumenge, 28 de desembre del 2008

Batman Rumor

Eddie Murphy is the new name which sounds for the main cast of the The Dark Knight's sequel (whose commercial title would be 'Gotham' making reference to the city where the action takes place.

The character that Christopher Nolan wants for Eddie Murphy would be the role of Edward Nigma whose ego is 'Nigma'. The last time that this character appeared in the screen was in the film 'Batman Forever', and it was starred by Jim Carrey. Although, following the trail left by Heath Ledger, it was a new focus of the character, as it was conceived on 'Batman Begins'.

A few days ago, they said Shia LaBeouf could play the role of Robin, previously played by Cris O'Donnell. Moreover, it is confirmed the presence of Rachel Weisz as Catwoman, previously played by Michelle Pfeiffer.

The premiere of 'Gotham' (the possible title) will be around the middle of 2010.

dimarts, 23 de desembre del 2008

I Am Legend - Alternate Ending

I'm here again. It happened many events before I wrote again and from my point of view, that's one of the most amazing things.
Here, you can watch an alternate ending of the film I Am Legend, starred by Will Smith. That's the real ending which is written in the thriller. But, the person responsible for marketing said that's ending didn't sell so much as the other one ( the ending showed on the film ).
Whoever wants to watch it, look for it on YouTube or watch this one I put in.

dimarts, 9 de setembre del 2008

Babylon A.D.

This is the last Mathieu Kassovitz released film. It's starred by Vin Diesel and Michelle Yeoh. People have valued it with 5,3. It is not much for a movie of those features.
In the near future, Toorop (Vin Diesel) is a mercenary who takes the job of escorting a woman named Aurora from Central Asia to New York.

Fast & Furious

Fast & Furious 4 is the fourth installment in the series Fast & Furious. It's directed Justin Lin and starred by Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster. The same people who starred the first film.
From my point of view, I think that's a forced film which has been filmed with the purpose of gainning money.

dilluns, 8 de setembre del 2008

Tropic Thunder - Una guerra muy perra

Tropic Thunder, una comedia dirigida per Ben Stiller i protagonitzada pel mateix Ben Stiller(Algo passa con Mary, Los padres de ella), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) i Jack Black(King Kong, Club de rock).
L'argument és sobre un grup d'actors abstrets pretenen rodar la pel·lícula bèl·lica més cara de la història. Després de que les excessives despeses (i els descontrolats egos dels mimats actors) amenacen en deixar la pe·licula, el frustrat director es nega a parar el rodatge i porta el repartori a les profunditats de les selves del Sud-Est d'Àsia per "augmentar el realisme". Allà, es troben per casualitat amb uns guerrillers de veritat.

The Spirit

The Spirit, another film of Frank Miller(the director of Sin City and 300). Based on Will Eisner's comic. It is starred by Gabriel Macht, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Eva Mendes and Paz Vega.
Down these mean streets a man must come. A hero born, murdered, and born again. When a Rookie cop named Denny Colt returns from the beyond as The Spirit, a hero whose mission is to fight against the bad forces from the shadows of Central City. The Octopus who kills anyone unfortunate enough to see his face who has other plans. He's going to wipe out the entire city. The Spirit tracks this cold hearted killer from the city's rundown warehouses, to the damp catacombs, to the windswept waterfront all the while facing a bevy of beautiful women who either want to seduce, love or kill the masked crusader.

El Reino Prohibido (The Forbidden Kingdom)

Una pel·licula dirigida per Rob Minkoff i protagonitzada per Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Michael Angarano. S'estrena el 3 d'Octubre als cines catalans.
L'argument gira entorn a un jove novaiorquès (Li) que sent una pasió irrefrenable pel típic cine de Kung Fu i que després de trobar en una casa de obstinacions de China Town un bastó màgic del Rei mono(Chan), començarà una creuada per alliberar al seu deu presoner per uns "malvats".

dilluns, 25 d’agost del 2008


RocknRolla is an upcoming film directed by Guy Ritchie. The film stars Gerard Butler(300), Thandie Newton(Mission: Impossible 2, The Chronicles of Riddick, Crash), and Tom Wilkinson(Batman Begins, Michael Clayton). It was filmed in London. An official release date is September 5, 2008.
The plot is next to that. When a Russian mobster sets up a real estate scam that generates millions of pounds, various members of London's criminal underworld pursue their share of the fortune and rob a pikey of all his assets and his wifey.

dissabte, 23 d’agost del 2008

The Punisher: War Zone

A few years ago, we could see in the publicity board of cinema the film whose name is The Punisher. That movie was starred by Thomas Jane. In my opinion it was a good film because it showed us the history about how the punisher was born.
Well, in any case, if you want to see the second part, you will have to wait because it opens on December. The most important difference between this new movie and the last one is that the leading actor of the new one is Ray Stevenson(an irish actor).

dimarts, 22 de juliol del 2008

Terminator 4 - Salvation #1

Terminator Salvation is the fourth installment in the series Terminator. It is starred by the welsh Chrisitan Bale. He plays John Connor and the new Terminator is played by the australian Sam Worthington. The film releases on 22nd May of 2009.

dilluns, 21 de juliol del 2008

John Rambo

John Rambo és la quarta entrega de la sèrie Rambo. És una pel·licula dirigida i protagonitzada pel mateix Sylvester Stallone. Està descrita, segons l'actor, com una pel·licula "realista i brutal" contra la "poca emoció" del cine actual. Stallone ha buscat distanciar-se de les anteriors entregues les quals estaven fetes massa al gust de Hollywood, amb molt múscul i allunyades de la realitat.
L'actor ha deixat de guanyar més diners per mostrar la brutalitat de la pel·licula.

Frases del actor durant la presentació del film a Madrid:
"Sé que poden criticar la pel·licula per ser massa violenta, però no m'importa perquè he mostrat la realitat"
"La guerra és el més violent que hi ha en el món"

Des del meu punt de vista, no és un film impressionant. És una gran pel·licula que bàsicament es dedica a mostrar al públic com és el conflicte que s'està vivint a Birmània. I, si vols veure una pel·licula d'acció i sang pot ser una bona elecció.

John Rambo is the fourth installment in the series Rambo. It's a film directed and starred by Sylvester Stallone. It's described, according to the actor, as a realistic and brutal film instead of a little emotion of the current cinema.
Stallone has tried to get further away of the previous chapters which were filmed depending on Hollywood, with too much muscle and isolated from the reality.
He has given up to earn money to show the brutality of his film.

Phrases sayed by Stallone:
I know this film can be criticized to be too much violent, but I don't care about it because I have showed the reality”
War is the most savage thing it can be in the earth”

From my point of view it's not an amazing film. It's a great film which, basically, is dedicated to show to the public how the Burma conflict is. And, if you want to see a film with action and blood it could be a good choice.

+ informació

dissabte, 19 de juliol del 2008

Fight Club (El Club De La Lucha)

Com que és la primera vegada que escric en aquest blog seré breu i consistent. Ja fa molt temps que tinc aquest bloc creat, però no havia escrit res fins ara ja que no tenia cap motiu per fer-ho. Ha estat avui quan he anat a llogar una pel·licula el nom de la qual és el títol d'aquesta entrada.

Aquesta pel·licula està dirigida per David Fincher i interpretada pels actors nord-americans Edward Norton i Brad Pitt, i per la britànica Helena Bonham. Va ser rodada l'any 1999 i la van nominar com un dels millors films de l'any. La Banda Sonora Original que es va utilitzar pel film va ser del grup The Dust Brothers, que pel meu gust és similar al grup Moby. Està basada en la novela homònima de Charles Michael Chuck Palahniuk. El 2004 es va llançar el videojoc, però va ser molt críticat pels seguidors del llibre i la pel·licula ja que, segons ells, era un producte merament comercial.

En conclusió, després d'haver-vos fet un resumet de la història d'aquest film, us haig de confessar que el final de la pel·licula és totalment inesperat. En altres paraules, de totes els finals que he vist aquest és el més enginyós i ben pensat(per part dels guionistes i director).

As it’s my first time I write in this blog I will be short. A long time ago, I signed in to get a blog but I hadn’t written anything until now, because I hadn’t any reason to do it. Today, I have rent a movie whose title is this article’s tilte.

This film is directed by David Fincher and played by the american actors Edward Norton and Brad Pitt, and the british actress Helena Bonham. It was filmed in 1999 and was nominated one of the best films of the year. The Original Soundtrack which was used is the music of The Dust Brothers. The film is based on the homonym novel of Charles Michael Chuck Palahniuk. In 2004, it was launched the video game but it was criticized by the fans of the book and the film because, according to them, it was a merely commercial product.

In conclusion, after I have resumized the history of this film I have to confess the end of the movie is totally unexpected. In other words, from all the finals of films I have seen this is the most ingenuous and clever.